
Google 4Q04 Performance

Inside Google 2/1/05 Google Doubles Revenues SJM 2/2/05 Google profit, revenue rocket, $204 MILLION EARNINGS UP SEVENFOLD FROM YEAR-AGO 4TH QUARTER ht…

2/2 必読記事・論考(IT)

McKinsey Quarterly 2/05 Finance 2.0: An interview with Microsoft's CFO, Microsoft's departing CFO John Connors recently talked with McKinsey about the thinking behind the company's cash payment to shareholders, its new approach to financia…

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CNET 2/1/05 Anxious times in the cartoon underground, In early December, a bombshell dropped onto one of the fastest-growing file-swapping communities online, where Nikolai Nolan has made his home for the last several years.…


日経衛星版 1/30/05 韓国の「オタク」=ペイン、ドラマ人気左右 ペインは「廃人」のハングル読み。もともと食事や仕事もせずネットやゲームに没頭する若者の否定的な呼称だったが、今やニュアンスは変わった。コンテンツ(情報の内容)にまで積極関与し、メデ…


日経 1/31/05 本合邦彦さん デザイナーがこだわったという鏡のようなステンレス製の背面ボディーが、洋食器の街として知られる新潟県燕市で作られていることを知る人は少ないだろう。東陽理化学研究所社長の本合邦彦さん(59)のもとへ、アップル本社の開発担…

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Business 2.0 1/26/05 He's No Angel, Ram Shriram is by nature a cheerful, easygoing guy, but if you want to get him a little miffed, just call him an angel investor.,17863,1016222,00.html?promoid=y…

1/30 必読記事・論考(IT)

NYT$ 1/30/05 Tool for Thought By STEVEN JOHNSON Umair Haque's Bubble Generation 1/29/05 Living Room Wars - Content is Not King http://www.bub…

1/29 必読記事・論考(IT)

Fortune 2/7/05 Why Carly's Big Bet Is Failing, Buying Compaq hasn't paid off for Hewlett-Packard's investors. Not by a long shot. Now, nearly three years after the merger, there is still no easy solution to HP's problems. http://www.fortun…

Long Tail and Shuffle

The Long Tail 1/27/05 The case against the Shuffle You can think of the thousands of songs on your hard drive as a Long Tail of sorts. Even though you've bought, ripped…

1/28 必読記事・論考(IT)

Wired 02/05 Why Wilco Is the Future of Music, Great things happen when a band and its audience find harmony. By Lawrence Lessig Jeff Nolan 1/27/05 Shaping a Message Through Blogs http…

Professor iPod

Wired News 1/28/05 My IPod, My Self,2125,66426,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_5 (1) Michael Bull,2125,62396,00.html Bull, a lecturer at Sussex University, is considered a leading acade…


Inside Google 1/27/05 Mark Jen On Google Vs. Microsoft ninetyninezeros life @ google from the inside 1/27/05…

British Computer Society: Grand Challenges in Computing

Conference Reports, A cross section of the country's top computing academics have pooled their views to project the challenges facing computing research and education in the UK in 2 new reports based on a recent Grand Challenges Conference.…

1/27 必読記事・論考(IT)

Scientific American 2/05 Seeking Better Web Searches, Deluged with superfluous responses to online queries, users will soon benefit from improved search engines that deliver customized results By Javed Mostafa…


ninetyninezeros, life @ google from the inside John Battelle's SearchBlog 1/26/05 Googler Blogs, Then UnBlogs - Updated Seems a fellow started at Google, starting bl…

1/26 必読記事・論考(IT)

Wired 2/05 The Firefox Explosion, It's fast, secure, open source - and super popular. The hot new browser called Firefox is rocking the software world. (Watch your back, Bill Gates.) Wi…

Rackable Systems IPO Business Week 1/24/05 At Last, a Hardware IPO, Rackable makes innovative servers that power some of Google searches. Now, it may break one of tech's longest…

Google Video Search

SiliconBeat 1/25/05 Video search and the future For now, the Mountain View search engine will not link directly to video content. Instead, when users click on a…

Sony PSPのボタン

日経BP 1/25/05 「それがPSPの仕様だ」、久多良木SCE社長がゲーム機不具合騒動を一蹴 一方、ボタンを押しても画面が時に反応しない点に関してはSCEは不具合ではないと説明する。ボタンの位置は左右対称…

1/25 必読記事・論考(IT)

TechDirt 1/24/05 Web Hosting Company Provides Auto BitTorrent Directory eWeek 1/24/05 Google Hires Mozilla Firefox Engineer,1759,1754099,00.asp Googl…

Silicon Valley: 経済回復しかし雇用増えず

NYT 1/24/05 Mixed Report on Silicon Valley VENTURE capital is on the rise, and once again Silicon Valley is growing thick with startups. Research and development funding in the Val…

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TechDirt 1/24/05 A Global Game Of Telephone Invents The Google Telephone Network (噂の伝播について) (関連) Insied Google 1/24/05 Google Phone?…

Friendster, MySpace, Orkut and Social Networking

NYT 1/24/05 Friendster, Love and Money Friendster, Love and Money - The New York Times FriendsterにMySpaceというライバルが現れた。Friendsterのイノベーションスピードが競合に比べて遅い。 Just as troubling, a younger, flashier rival called My…

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NDO::Weblog 1/23/05 RSSフィードはウェブ広告にとって善か悪か NYT 1/23/05 Birth of an Industry: IPod Loading The rising popu…

Links between real and virtual economies

Economist 1/20/05 A model economy, Should links between real and virtual economies be encouraged or banned? For many years, game items such as swords or gold have been traded online: virtual objects are sold for real money to the tune of a…

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Business Week 1/31/05 Linux Inc. Linus Torvalds once led a ragtag band of software geeks. Not anymore. Here's an inside look at how the unusual Linux business model increasingly threatens Microsoft…

The New Normal (Roger McNamee)

The New Normal: Great Opportunities in a Time of Great Risk作者: Roger McNamee,David Diamond出版社/メーカー: Portfolio Hardcover発売日: 2004/11/04メディア: ハードカバー クリック: 7回この商品を含むブログ (3件) を見るThe four secrets of the …

1/21 必読記事・論考(IT)

WSJ 1/21/05 When Bloggers Make News, As Their Clout Increases, Web Diarists Are Asking: Just What Are the Rules?,,SB110626272888531958,00.html?mod=technology_main_promo_left Silicon Valley Watcher 1/20/05 Sc…

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A VC 1/19/05 Tag - You're It I said in my inaugural work-related post of 2005 that the next big thing is the "architecture of participation." That is creating an architecture that allows …

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Mitch Kapor's Weblog 1/17/05 Commons-based Peer Production Ted Leung 1/10/05 I use commons-based peer production to construct a software commons…