1/22 必読記事・論考(IT)

Business Week 1/31/05 Linux Inc. Linus Torvalds once led a ragtag band of software geeks. Not anymore. Here's an inside look at how the unusual Linux business model increasingly threatens Microsoft
NYT 1/20/05 Behold the Artful Price Tag, As it goes, corporate America recognizes design as a point of difference, a sales edge, an emotional connection to buyers. (iPod Shuffle)
Behold the Artful Price Tag - The New York Times

In a conversation on Monday, Jonathan Ive, the company's vice president for industrial design, described Apple's newest generation of designs less by how they look than what he termed "a whole new level of access to the product."

Eric Chan, the founder and president of Ecco Design, whose clients include Best Buy and Toyota, said: "Design has become a commodity now, and the price has to come down. Even the Chinese are shipping us pretty reasonable design." On the ability of design to command a premium or drive a business, Mr. Chan added: "Coolness is overhyped. Apple was smart enough to do the high end first and then come down to this and connect both points. The new economy won't make money from the rich. Look at IM messages. It's a huge market on nickels and dimes on every minute."