Entries from 2005-01-23 to 1 day


YAMDAS 1/24/05 待望の新刊『ハッカーと画家 コンピュータ時代の創造者たち』 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/yomoyomo/20050124#hacker http://www.shiro.dreamhost.com/scheme/index-j.html#docs OOエンジニアの輪! 4/03 第21回 川合史朗さんの巻 http://www.og…

1/23 必読記事・論考(MGMT)

HBS working Knowledge 1/17/05 When Category Domination Isn't Enough, Mega-stores such as Staples and Home Depot have taken category domination to its limits. What next? How about dollar stores and compact shops in inner cities. A book exce…

1/23 必読記事・論考[IT]

NDO::Weblog 1/23/05 RSSフィードはウェブ広告にとって善か悪か http://naoya.dyndns.org/~naoya/mt/archives/001551.html NYT 1/23/05 Birth of an Industry: IPod Loading http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/23/jobs/23IPOD.html?oref=login The rising popu…