Silicon Valley: 経済回復しかし雇用増えず

NYT 1/24/05 Mixed Report on Silicon Valley

VENTURE capital is on the rise, and once again Silicon Valley is growing thick with startups. Research and development funding in the Valley has hit new highs and corporate profits at area firms are generally robust.
And yet, despite an environment in which entrepreneurship is strong and established firms are by and large healthy, the Silicon Valley job market remains stagnant. Household income in the area is down, and troubling disparities persist in the areas of health care, education and housing.

Big Silicon Valley Firms Thrive, But Jobs Are Few,,SB110651997168833486,00.html?mod=technology%5Ffeatured%5Fstories%5Fhs

Four years after the technology bust, Silicon Valley has evolved into a bifurcated economy: Many large tech companies, and their workers, are doing well; but hundreds of thousands of people are struggling to rebound after losing jobs in the nation's worst regional economic downturn in 60 years

Growth is "not translating into jobs. Companies are doing more with less."