The New Normal (Roger McNamee)

The New Normal: Great Opportunities in a Time of Great Risk

The New Normal: Great Opportunities in a Time of Great Risk

The four secrets of the new normal

  • The power of individual is rising sharply.
    • Today our economy has reinvented itself into something that would have been unimaginable a few decades ago. Decentralized no-frills corporations dominate the economy.
    • But this economic transformation has delivered something that most people have failed to either notice or leverage: power has shifted from institutions to individuals.
    • In the New Normal, opportunities for success are plentiful. The trouble is, those opportunities are often different from the ones we are accustomed to.
    • If you want to have a successful career in the New Normal, you need to understand how your own situations differs from the conventional wisdoms.
    • Scale matters less now than at any time memory.
  • The world offers more choices than ever, but it also requires us to make more decisions.
    • Another secret of the New Normal is that we live in a world of seemingly unlimited choices ... and limited safety nets.
  • Technology and globalization are facts of life; they rule our economy and they aren't going away.
    • The good news is that both are generating an unprecedented volume of opportunities. Technology empowers individuals as never before. It lowers the barriers for small businesses, and gives individuals new tools for coping with a rapidly changing environment. It puts people more readily in touch with opportunities and with the people that matter in their lives.
  • None of us has enough time, so making the most of the time we have is essential.
    • Trick is to use the other New Normal levers - technology, for example - to make most of the time you have.
    • The levers of individuality, choice, technology and globalization have their own power, but success comes from optimizing their interaction with time.