Entries from 2005-01-19 to 1 day

George Stalk

Fast Company 2/05 The 10 Lives of George Stalk, The star strategy consultant was declared dead three times -- and came back unrepentant and tougher than ever. His new book sees competition as a matter of life or death. http://www.fastcompa…


The Hardball Times 1/19/05 Ranking the Relievers http://www.hardballtimes.com/main/article/ranking-the-relievers/

S.F. Giants 高齢プレイヤー指向とドラフト上位放棄

Yahoo Sports 1/17/05 Vintage formula still works in San Fran http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=vintageformulastillworks&prov=tsn&type=lgns General manager Brian Sabean has taken an old team and made it even older. But believe owner Pet…


さらば歯周病 (新潮新書)作者: 河田克之出版社/メーカー: 新潮社発売日: 2004/09メディア: 新書購入: 3人 クリック: 23回この商品を含むブログ (6件) を見るメインテナンスの重要性はよく理解できるが、推奨されている「月一回の歯石除去」は頻度が過剰では…

1/19 必読記事・論考(IT)

Mitch Kapor's Weblog 1/17/05 Commons-based Peer Production http://blogs.osafoundation.org/mitch/000828.html#000828 Ted Leung 1/10/05 I use commons-based peer production to construct a software commons http://www.sauria.com/blog/2005/01/10#…