Entries from 2005-01-27 to 1 day


「モナ・リザ」ミステリー作者: 北川健次出版社/メーカー: 新潮社発売日: 2004/12/22メディア: 単行本購入: 1人 クリック: 53回この商品を含むブログ (10件) を見る


にっけいしんぶん新聞 お高くとまってるようでほんとに小難しい日経新聞も、読み方を変えればけっこう面白いもんです。特に断りがなければ引用(青字)は日本経済新聞首都圏版です。「今日の愛ルケ」好評連載中!※本紙は「愛の流刑地」を最初に特集したメディ…

British Computer Society: Grand Challenges in Computing

Conference Reports, A cross section of the country's top computing academics have pooled their views to project the challenges facing computing research and education in the UK in 2 new reports based on a recent Grand Challenges Conference.…

Mapping the Global Future: Report of the National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project.

http://www.foia.cia.gov/2020/2020.pdf (PDF:123 pages) IFTF's Future Now 1/27/05 Fred Kaplan on NIC 2020, Fred Kaplan has a piece in Slate about the NIC's recently-released report, Mapping the Global Future: Report of the National Intellige…


Feld Thoughts 1/25/05 Ideal Board Meetings http://www.feld.com/blog/archives/2005/01/ideal_board_mee.html We had a typical three hour board meeting that started on time. The meeting then occurred as follows: 5 minutes: Administrative items…

1/27 必読記事・論考(IT)

Scientific American 2/05 Seeking Better Web Searches, Deluged with superfluous responses to online queries, users will soon benefit from improved search engines that deliver customized results By Javed Mostafa http://www.sciam.com/article.…


ninetyninezeros, life @ google from the inside http://99zeros.blogspot.com/ John Battelle's SearchBlog 1/26/05 Googler Blogs, Then UnBlogs - Updated http://battellemedia.com/archives/001212.php Seems a fellow started at Google, starting bl…