Google Libraries

WSJ 12/14/04 Google Goes to College
Search Engine Plans to Scan Books in University Libraries, Making Them Available on Web

In a dramatic expansion to an existing Google service that makes books searchable online, the Mountain View, Calif., company will scan the entire library of the University of Michigan, which includes seven million volumes. It also will make available online large parts of the libraries at Stanford University and the University of Oxford, as well as books from Harvard University and the New York Public Library.

The project is part of Google's ambitious goal of making all the world's information searchable. It will take a number of years for all the university library books to be scanned. The University of Michigan says only about 10,000 of its books have been scanned since work began during late summer, and that it will take approximately six years for its entire collection to be digitized.

Google will allow consumers to browse the full texts of books that no longer are covered under copyright, which in the U.S. generally includes most books published before 1923. The company also has agreements with a number of publishers to let consumers browse parts of the text of their copyrighted books.

NYT 12/14/04 Google Is Adding Major Libraries to Its Database
Google, the operator of the world's most popular Internet search service, announced today that it had entered into agreements with some of the nation's leading research libraries and Oxford University to begin converting their holdings into digital files that would be freely searchable over the Web.

Although Google executives declined to comment on its technology or the cost of the undertaking, others involved estimate the figure at $10 for each of the more than 15 million books and other documents covered in the agreements. Librarians involved predict the project could take at least a decade.

Techdirt 12/14/04 The Merging Of The Digital And Analog Worlds
While lots of people are discussing Google's latest effort to scan the books of various libraries and add them to their massively underhyped Google Print offering, the one thing that seems most interesting about the whole thing is that it's yet another step towards the blurring of boundaries between the analog and digital worlds.

On top of that, add the growing recognition of how tools like camera phones can be used to "click" on any real world object just like a hyperlink, and some very interesting possibilities start to become clear. This goes well beyond just scanning in some pages in a book, or getting some product info on something you're buying, but adding the ability to start really connecting physical objects to a tremendous amount of digital information, and build up the same sort of links previously found only online.

SJM 12/14/04 Google to digitize millions of books
Google is launching an ambitious effort to make digital copies of some of the world's largest university library collections and will incorporate the texts into its vast Web index, apparently the largest project of its kind ever attempted.


Bubble Generation 12/13/04 Web 2.0
Insightful if technical bit about new architectures for interfaces - in this case, Google's new use (Gmail, Orkut, Suggest) of flexible server-side updating via javascript xml http requests.

CNET Japan 12/14/04 江島健太郎 世の中をぶっ壊す悪意なきテクノロジー

WSJ 12/14/04 Rivals Sony and Samsung Agree To Cross-License Their Patents
Sony Corp. and Samsung Electronics Co. said they have agreed to share the bulk of their patents, in an unusual move that shows how changes in the electronics industry are pushing some rivals into closer cooperation.

Affiliate sales

Business 2.0 The 5 Lessons of 2004
If you want to make money, make me money.

Benjamin Chiu just earned his master's in mechanical engineering, but he hasn't bothered looking for a job yet. He doesn't need to. The 24-year-old runs a website from his San Francisco condo that nets him upwards of $20,000 a month. Chiu is an affiliate for Amazon and dozens of other online stores. The best part? He doesn't actually sell anything; instead, his website,, hawks laptops, backpacks, and karaoke machines and refers all buyers to the merchants' websites. Every click on a product and every sale that results is cash in Chiu's pocket -- and the seller's. Everyone makes money off the deal, and that's why it works so well. Amazon, eBay, Google, and Yahoo sit atop the Web's food chain partly because they make everybody a salesperson. There are hundreds of thousands of affiliates like Chiu, who promote online auctions for eBay, flog products for Amazon and Yahoo, provide eyeballs for Google's AdSense, and collect for each sale or click they bring in.

Company Affiliate Sales Affiliate Commissions $460M $100M
eBay $300M $140M
Google $1.4B $1.1B
Yahoo $1.1B $910M

Stewart O'NanとStephen Kingの2004年ボストン・レッドソックス本が出た!

新刊書購入「Faithful: Two Diehard Boston Red Sox Fans Chronicle the Historic 2004 Season」by Stewart O'Nan, Stephen King
Beginning with an e-mail exchange in the summer of 2003, novelists King and O'Nan started keeping diaries chronicling the Red Sox's season, from spring training to the Series' final game.

フューチャー・オブ・ワーク(by Thomas W. Malone)

フューチャー・オブ・ワーク (Harvard business school press)

鋭い洞察と高い見識にみちた、まさに「今、この時」に読むべき一冊! (グーグル社会長兼CEO エリック・シュミット) --- 帯より

(1) Elance, Inc
Elance Enterprise is the leading software solution to help Global 2000 enterprises buy and manage outsourced services such as labor, IT, marketing, engineering, maintenance etc.
(2) Asynchrony Solutions
We specialize in project-oriented work and focus on deliverables to measure our success. Our technical resources are very diverse and capable of working in multiple platforms, environments and tools. This allows us to offer the right solution for each business condition and existing environment.
(3) eBay (第5章にも記述あり)

(1) HP worked with Caltech economist Charles Platt to create an unusual kind of internal market. (C.R. Platt, "Market as Information Gathering Tools," Southern Economic Journal 67, no.1 (2000))
(2) Robin Hanson first introduced this concept of idea futures in about 1988, and several other people experienced with it since.
Idea Futures(a.k.a. Prediction Markets, Information Markets)by Robin Hanson
(3) IOWA Electronic Markets Web site
The Iowa Electronic Markets are real-money futures markets in which contract payoffs depend on economic and political events such as elections. These markets are operated by faculty at the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business as part of our research and teaching mission.
極東ブログ, 2004.09.26, 某市場の動向によるとブッシュ好調, 10/30/04 米大統領選市場:ブッシュ鼻先でリード
Hollywood Stock Exchange
The Foresight Exchange Prediction Market
(6) A research group at MIT is using a similar idea to do market research measuring customer preferences for products that don't exist yet. (Nicholas Chan "Securities Trading of Concepts(STOC)," working paper 172, MIT Center for eBusiness, December 2002)
(7) In one experiment, we worked with Intel Corporation to create a prototype of an internal market for manufacturing resources. (詳細解説あり)


中央公論 11/04 文学的近況 雪国の奇蹟 

