
Whole Foods

Forbes 2/14/05 Food Porn, Whole Foods founder John Mackey built a retail powerhouse peddling food as sensual, succulent succor. His stores preach organic virtue and profit from culinary vice. http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2005/0214/102.html


Forbes 2/14/05 Have It Your Way, Whether they are selling cars, toys or fast food, companies are tapping consumers as never before to help them create new products http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2005/0214/078.html


ハーバード留学記 2/1/05 Managing Money Managers http://hbslife.exblog.jp/1901198/ ハーバード留学記 10/29/04 Harvard's $12 billion man http://hbslife.exblog.jp/757528 Boston.com 10/17/05 Harvard's $12 billion man, Despite outpacing his peer…


Feld Thoughts 1/25/05 Ideal Board Meetings http://www.feld.com/blog/archives/2005/01/ideal_board_mee.html We had a typical three hour board meeting that started on time. The meeting then occurred as follows: 5 minutes: Administrative items…

1/26 必読記事・論考(MGMT)

CFO.com 1/26/05 ''Home-Sourcing'' vs. Offshoring, It's not all about price; allowing people to work at home ''leads to a virtuous cycle of productivity.'' http://www.cfo.com/article.cfm/3597944?f=home_featured


新・日本の経営作者: ジェームス・C・アベグレン,山岡洋一出版社/メーカー: 日本経済新聞社発売日: 2004/12/11メディア: 単行本 クリック: 20回この商品を含むブログ (13件) を見る日経 1/23/05 「この一冊」by 藤本隆宏 論旨は明解だ。曰く、日本の経営のう…

1/23 必読記事・論考(MGMT)

HBS working Knowledge 1/17/05 When Category Domination Isn't Enough, Mega-stores such as Staples and Home Depot have taken category domination to its limits. What next? How about dollar stores and compact shops in inner cities. A book exce…

1/15 必読記事・論考(MGMT)

Fortune 1/24/05 You're in Charge. Now What? In their new book, Thomas Neff and James Citrin explain how CEOs and other leaders can nail that crucial stage in assuming command: the first 100 days. http://www.fortune.com/fortune/ceo/articles…

1/13 必読記事・論考(MGMT)

strategy+business 1/05 How Companies Turn Customers' Big Ideas into Innovations http://www.strategy-business.com/sbkwarticle/sbkw050112



Managing yourself (HBR 01/05)

HBR 01/05 Managing Yourself http://harvardbusinessonline.hbsp.harvard.edu/b02/en/common/item_detail.jhtml?id=8762 "The New Road to the Top" by Peter Capperri and Monika Hamori (p25) Predictions for 2021 MBA 複数企業での経験 P&L management…


「イノベーション創出プロセス」の鳥瞰図−OutLogicの視点 http://www.outlogic.co.jp/modules/xfsection/print.php?articleid=24 解説 http://www.outlogic.co.jp/modules/xfsection/article.php?articleid=26 http://www.outlogic.co.jp/modules/news/artic…

Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

CSmonitor 1/4/05 Decide instantly to read this review, The author of 'The Tipping Point' returns with a book about the science of leaping to conclusions http://csmonitor.com/2005/0104/p14s02-bogn.html Wired 1/7/05 It Pays to Trust Your Gut…


日経 12/26/04 日本経済2005年への視点(1) ――ボトムはいつごろだったのですか。 「一九九三―九四年ごろからボディーブローが効き始め、九六年ごろに一度浮上の機運があったが生かしきれず、九八―九九年あたりがどん底だったのではないか。人件費の重圧から逃…


小林雅のブログ 12/29/04 ベンチャーキャピタリスト選書:法律関連 http://blog.drecom.jp/kobayashimasashi/archive/48

The Cycle of Leadership

新興企業組織の危険な兆候 individual motivation: Get rich quick Organizational structure: Chaotic Leadership style: Anarchistic Teamwork style: Instrumental (What's in it for me) Customer attitude: Customers are dumb. We know better. Dot-co…

The Modern Firm

Economist 12/16/04 In praise of the modern firm What was the best book about business published in the past 12 months? This reviewer's choice as the best book of the year, however, goes to a slim volume put out by Oxford University Press t…

12/24 必読記事・論考(MGMT)

CFO.com 11/15/04 Six Degrees of Cooperation If it's who you know that counts, social-networking software will make sure your colleagues know them, too. Yasmin Ghahremani, CFO ITCFO.com 11/19/04 Men and Machines Technology and economics hav…


Fast Company 01/05 The Accidental Guru Malcolm Gladwell, says one fan, is "just a thinker." But what a thinker. His provocative ideas are taking the business world by storm. So who is this guy, and what can he teach you about business?


Concrete Covina 12/16/04 On becoming an Independent Director / Member of the Board http://jimlejeal.typepad.com/concrete_covina/2004/12/on_becoming_an_.html


Michael Mauboussin, Chief Investment Strategist for Legg Mason Funds(PDF) The Economics of Customer Businesses http://www.leggmason.com/funds/ourfunds/whats_new/The_Economics_of_Customer_Businesses_12_09.pdf


Business Week 12/27/04 How To Invest Like Harvard Just as most colleges look up to Harvard University, most investment managers look up to Harvard Management Co., the in-house firm that manages $27 billion for the university.WSJ 12/17/04 X…


strategy+business Winter/04 Best Business Books 2004: IT & Innovation http://www.strategy-business.com/article/5911123?gko=1ef56-1876-5911123 strategy+business Winter/04 The Lean, Green Service Machine Many companies prefer not to talk abo…

フューチャー・オブ・ワーク(by Thomas W. Malone)

鋭い洞察と高い見識にみちた、まさに「今、この時」に読むべき一冊! (グーグル社会長兼CEO エリック・シュミット) --- 帯より 第6章「組織外のマーケット」に出る事例 (1) Elance, Inc Elance Enterprise is the leading software solution to help Global 2…

ニッポン経営者列伝 嗚呼、香ばしき人々



ACM Ubiquity 12/04 Michael Schrage On Innovation Michael Schrage conducts research on the economics of innovation. His particular focus is on the role of models, prototypes and simulations in managing interactive iterative design — an area…


日経BPムック004「MOTを超える」技術成熟時代のイノベーション戦略 HBR 7-8/04 Darwin and the Demon http://www.cybaea.net/Journal/Darwin%20and%20the%20Demon.html

クリステンセンのInnosightと「Seeing What's Next」

HBS Working Knowledge 9/6/04 The Innovator's Battle Plan: Great firms can be undone by disruptors who analyze and exploit an incumbent’s strengths and motivations. From Clayton Christensen’s new book Seeing What’s Next. Innosight Seeingwha…