
iNTERNET magazine アーカイブ

iNTERNET magazine 1994.10(#1)からのPDFファイル ●創刊号(1994年9月発売)〜2002年2月号 創刊号から発売後3年以上経過した号までは無料公開し、だれでも閲覧可能とします。 ●2002年3月号〜2005年2…

What if? An alternative history of tech

CNET 1/26/05 What if Moore's Law had ended as expected? What if Apple Computer had licensed the Mac OS? What if IBM had not allowe…

Douglas Engelbart's famous 1968 demo of the NLS

Scott Rosenberg 1/19/05 1968: the year of the blog, Having heard Alan Kay's inspiring talk at the 2003 Emerging Technology conference, I already knew how much of modern computing Douglas Engelbart's famous 1968 demo of the NLS ("oNLine Sys…


SJM 1/16/05 Transmeta -- how a great idea, brilliant minds and big investors equaled a big flop

How the Mac was born

CNET 1/11/05 How the Mac was born, and other tales Revolution in The Valley作者: Andy Hertzfeld,Steve Wozniak出版社/メーカー: Oreilly & Asso…

Internet Predictions Database

NYT 1/10/05 The Internet's Future? It Depends on Whom You Ask The Internet's Future? It Depends on Whom You Ask - The New York Times Ken Olson, founder of the Digital Equipment Corporation, remarked in 1977, for instance, that there was no…

20 Year Usenet Timeline Google has fully integrated the past 20 years of Usenet archives into Google Groups, which now offers access to more than 800 million messages dating back to 1981. This is by far …

McKinsey Award Winners for Best HBR Articles

Charles Fergusonの名が懐かしくて、彼の昔のHBR論文をサーチした。 すると、Charles Fergusonの「Computers and the Coming of U.S. Keiretsu」(07/1990)が1990年のMcKinsey Award。そして翌1991年には、Andrew S. Rappaport and Shmuel Halevlの「The Comp…

Inside the Mac Revolution

Wired 12/16/04,2125,66045,00.html Now Hertzfeld has turned his tales of how the Mac was made into a gorgeously illustrated and highly readable coffee table book, Revolution in the Valley: The Insanely Great …

Stanford and Google

WSJ 8/23/04 Why Stanford Is Celebrating The Google IPO Stanford University won three ways by betting on Google Inc. Not only did the California school hav…

IPA 1960年代〜現代に至る情報政策の変遷「情報政策史」 1960年代から40余年にわたる日本の情報政策の歴史は、ハード主体、ソフト台頭、ネットワーク時代の幕開け等の様々な変遷を経て今日に至っています。 特に1990年以降、国内の市場環境の動静…

The Complete History of the Internet

Maybe not the complete history but a valid attempt. This is a history of the Internet from the perspective of a computer geek who likes knowing more than what the instructions tell us.


brainstorms weblog 12/10/04 Exodus Attended a TIE San Diego meeting featuring B.V. Jagadeesh, CEO of NetScaler on Wednesday night. Before NetScaler, Jagadeesh was co-founder and CTO of Exodus. Remember Exodus? Exodus founded 1994, 2 employ…


Business Week 10/16/95から Fast Company 93年創刊準備号と95/11創刊号から Business 2.0 1998年8月から Economist 2000年1月から Fortune 2002年1月から Technology Review 1997年1月から Strategy+Business 1995Q4から Wired 1993年4月創刊号から Forbes …