Internet Predictions Database

NYT 1/10/05 The Internet's Future? It Depends on Whom You Ask
The Internet's Future? It Depends on Whom You Ask - The New York Times

Ken Olson, founder of the Digital Equipment Corporation, remarked in 1977, for instance, that there was no reason anyone would want a computer in their home. And Harry M. Warner, a co-founder of Warner Brothers Studios, is well known for wondering, near the end of the silent-picture era, who would want to hear actors talk.

Last September, the Pew Internet & American Life Project, a research organization in Washington, sent out a survey asking 24 questions about the future of the Internet to a wide range of technology specialists, scholars and industry leaders. Some 1,200 responded and, as you might expect, widespread agreement is hard to find.

The predictions are being added to a growing online database called Imagining the Internet, developed jointly by the Pew Project and Elon University in North Carolina.
The database, at, includes more than 4,000 predictive statements made by hundreds of technology specialists during the dawn of the Internet era - roughly 1990-95.

Imaging the Internet Predictions Database

This site examines the potential future of the Internet while simultaneously providing a peek back into its history. We invite you to navigate through three useful resource areas that: illuminate the views of stakeholders - The Experts Survey; give an historic overview - The 1990 to 1995 Predictions; and allow your participation - Share Your Vision Today.