McKinsey Award Winners for Best HBR Articles

Charles Fergusonの名が懐かしくて、彼の昔のHBR論文をサーチした。
すると、Charles Fergusonの「Computers and the Coming of U.S. Keiretsu」(07/1990)が1990年のMcKinsey Award。そして翌1991年には、Andrew S. Rappaport and Shmuel Halevlの「The Computerless Computer Company」(07/1991)が同じくMcKinsey Awardを獲得していることがわかった。

U.S. and European information technology companies face a choice: cooperate or become design and marketing arms of their Japanese competitors. As digital technology ushers in an era of inexpensive personal systems built from standard, mass-produced components, industries are converging to form a huge information technology sector. Companies able to manufacture components are gaining ground. This trend plays to the strengths of the Japanese; embedded in industrial combines known as keiretsu, they invest in technology and manufacturing, command the supply chain, and coordinate strategy to block foreign competition and penetrate world markets. McKinsey Award Winner.

By the end of the century, the most successful computer companies will be buying computers rather than building them. Defining how computers are used, not how they are built, will create real value. Three new rules will guide the computer industry's strategic transformation: 1) compete on utility, not power; 2) monopolize the true sources of added value; and 3) maximize the sophistication of the value delivered, while minimizing the sophistication of the technology consumed. McKinsey Award Winner.

ちなみに、Charles Fergusonは、1993年には「How Architecture Wins Technology Wars」(03/1993)という論文をHBRで書いている。

A new paradigm is required to explain patterns of competitive success and failure in information technology. Success flows to the company that establishes proprietary architectural control over a broad, fast-moving, competitive space. Architectural strategies have gained importance in information technology because of the astonishing rate of improvement in microprocessors and other semiconductor components. Since no single vendor can keep pace with the outpouring of cheap, powerful, mass-produced components, customers insist on stitching together their own local systems solutions. Architectures impose order on the system and make the interconnections possible. The architectural controller is the company that controls the standard by which the entire information package is assembled.

そしてこの論文が「Computer Wars」という著作にまとまっていった。

Computer Wars:: The Fall of IBM and the Future of Global Technology

Computer Wars:: The Fall of IBM and the Future of Global Technology

Tim O'Reillyの「Open Source Paradigm Shift」(06/2004)は、Charles Fergusonの「Computers and the Coming of U.S. Keiretsu」(07/1990)、Andrew S. Rappaport and Shmuel Halevlの「The Computerless Computer Company」(07/1991)と同じような意味を持つ論考であると思う。