The Cycle of Leadership

The Cycle of Leadership: How Great Leaders Teach Their Companies to Win リーダーシップ・サイクル―教育する組織をつくるリーダー


  • individual motivation: Get rich quick
  • Organizational structure: Chaotic
  • Leadership style: Anarchistic
  • Teamwork style: Instrumental (What's in it for me)
  • Customer attitude: Customers are dumb. We know better.

Dot-com power failures

  • It starts with luck.
  • Luck translates into an illusion of invincibility.
  • Celebrity seduction sets in.
  • A "smarter than everyone else" attitude takes hold.
  • Basic business discipline is lacking.
  • Teamwork splinters at the top.
  • Organizational cynicism begins.

Trilogy is working with leadership guru Noel Tichy, author of The Leadership Engine and consultant to firms like General Electric, AT&T, Ford Motor Company, and 3M.
Together, and Dr. Tichy will help build better leaders and help scale their talents to meet the challenges of the largest organizations in the Internet economy.

The Internet has fundamentally changed the way we do business. Companies must react quickly to changes in the market in order to survive. The distinction between "old" and "new" economy companies is no longer relevant. Winners in the next century will meld the best of the old and the new. Industry giants in the old economy require hyper-transformation into nimble, tech-savvy organizations. New economy companies must undergo hyper-growth to become large, robust organizations that can compete with the industry giants. Either way, the key to winning is leadership.