2/5 必読記事・論考(IT)
Umair Haque 2/4/05 Long Tail Economics
The Economist 2/3/05 The economics of sharing, Technology increases the ability of people to share, but will they share more than just technology?
Yale Law Journal 11/04 Sharing Nicely by Yochai Benkler (PDF)
Burnham's Beat 2/4/05 The Death of Compiled Applications
Read/Write Web 2/5/05 Flickr CEO talks about Google threat
Lately there's been a lot of speculation about whether the smaller Web 2.0 companies (e.g. Flickr, Bloglines, Feedburner, SixApart) will be able to foot it with the BigCo's (e.g. Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon). Many people think the smaller companies will be acquired by the big co's - and this is actually a viable strategy for a smaller company - or be squashed by them. So it's refreshing to see one of the smaller company honchos come out and say: hey, we're not afraid of competing with Google.
Ross Mayfield 2/4/05 Sun Opens the Computing Commodity Market
Werblog 2/2/05 Who will buy Tivo for scrap?
business2blog 2/05 Internet Growth Shifts
Om Malik 2/4/05 Google making more, but dishing out less
Google’s earnings are on everyone’s lips - and with a reason. Read Google By The Numbers over at Business 2.0 website, and you will be impressed. What caught my eye was the amount of money Google generated from what it calls the “Google Network Sites,” and how it is basically helping foster a financial ecoystem. Google calls it “traffic acquisition costs.”
Business 2.0 2/4/05 Google by the Numbers
Dan Gillmor 2/4/05 Where Newspapers Can Start the Conversation
Y! news 2/4/05 Search Startup Targets Digital Downloads
Stanford magazine 12/04 How Stanford's computer science department changed the way we get information. BY richard brandt
Innovate America
On December 15th, 2004, the Council hosts a National Innovation Summit in Washington, DC to release the NII's final report, Innovate America: Thriving in a World of Challenge and Change. Download National Innovation Initiative Final Report: Innovate America
RIETI 1/25/05 イノベーション指向の産業政策を! by 玉田俊平太
- 出版社/メーカー: ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ
- 発売日: 2004/07/09
- メディア: DVD
- 購入: 3人 クリック: 95回
- この商品を含むブログ (142件) を見る
- 作者: デニス・ルヘイン,加賀山卓郎
- 出版社/メーカー: 早川書房
- 発売日: 2003/12/11
- メディア: 単行本
- クリック: 26回
- この商品を含むブログ (24件) を見る