Entries from 2005-01-07 to 1 day

Tech Startup 2.0

Business Week 1/6/05 Tech Startup 2.0, Rising from the post-bubble slump are new ventures that are forging a different, more productive path than their predecessors http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/jan2005/tc2005016_0316.htm …

Clay Shirky on Wikipedia

Many-to-many 1/3/05 K5 Article on Wikipedia Anti-elitism http://www.corante.com/many/archives/2005/01/03/k5_article_on_wikipedia_antielitism.php Many-to-many 1/5/05 Wikipedia: Me on boyd on Sanger on Wales http://www.corante.com/many/archi…

1/7 必読記事・論考(IT)

Always On 1/6/05 Why You Should Be Looking at Semantic Technologies Now, From publishers to VCs: Look at what—and how—they're enabling solutions and innovation. http://www.alwayson-network.com/comments.php?id=7479_0_1_0_C 切込隊長BLOG 1/8/…


http://www.future-planning.net/x/modules/news/article.php?storyid=330 有難いことに12月で終了した「英語で読むITトレンド」がベスト10にランクインしている。終わっちゃったから、最終報告までには消えてしまうかな。何はともあれ投票してくだった方に…

The Long Tail by Chris Anderson

http://longtail.typepad.com/the_long_tail/ 10/10/04 Objection #1 http://longtail.typepad.com/the_long_tail/2004/10/objection_1.html "57% of Amazon's book sales are of books not available in stores"? That sounds high. Response: This is base…