1/7 必読記事・論考(IT)

Always On 1/6/05 Why You Should Be Looking at Semantic Technologies Now, From publishers to VCs: Look at what—and how—they're enabling solutions and innovation.
切込隊長BLOG 1/8/05 大量の資金調達を必要とするコンテンツ業界の今後
Business Week 1/17/05 The Future Of The New York Times

ONLINE, THE TIMES ALREADY is making serious money. New York Times Digital (which includes Boston.com as well as NYTimes.com) netted an enviable $17.3 million on revenues of $53.1 million during the first half of 2004, the last period for which its financials have been disclosed. All indications are that the digital unit is continuing to grow at 30% to 40% a year, making it NYT Co.'s fastest-revving growth engine.
Advertising accounts for almost all of the digital operation's revenues, but disagreement rages within the company over whether NYTimes.com should emulate The Wall Street Journal and begin charging a subscription fee. Undoubtedly, many of the site's 18 million unique monthly visitors would flee if hit with a $39.95 or even a $9.95 monthly charge.

Wired-J 10/18/04 ネット音声をiPodで聴く『ポッドキャスティング
Wired-J 12/31/04 急速に広まる『ポッドキャスティング
Technology Review Blog 1/6/05 Get Ready for Podcasting
Wired 1/6/05 Search Looks at the Big Picture
Wired 1/7/05 It Pays to Trust Your Gut, In Blink ($26, Little, Brown), author Malcolm Gladwell makes the argument that people frequently make some of their best decisions in mere seconds.
Wired 1/05 The Zen of Jeff Bezos, The cool head of Amazon.com talks about the rise of the obscure, taking on Netflix, and why he quit spending on TV advertising.
Fast Company 1/05 Commercial Success, Traditional advertising is in deep trouble. Now Yahoo is reinventing the game thanks to ad boss Wenda Millard. And her cooperative approach is winning over Madison Avenue.
YAMDAS現更新履歴 1/5/05 試練を迎えるWikipedia