
YouTubeでアニメが見られるとかテレビ番組が見られるとか、そういうところにも注目が集まっているが、本来は「Brodcast Yourself」(あなた自身を放送する)がYouTubeのモットーで、サービスの意義は「総表現社会のプラットフォーム」の提供にある。
サンノゼ・マーキュリー紙(5/30)の「The new must-see on your PC: YouTube VIDEO-SHARING SHIFTING ENTERTAINMENT OPTIONS」

What really motivates people is being seen and getting a response.

We are just trying to help people find an easy way to share their experiences.

It's almost like a challenge now among users to produce more entertaining content.

We are enjoying having a chance to experience things through other people's eyes.


One recent night at 3 a.m., Ryan Lee and three friends made a short horror film called ``Pencils'' in their dormitory at San Jose State University. In ``Pencils,'' a dorm is haunted by a girl, a ghost who has been contacted through pencils.
After making the 2 minute, 53 second film, and editing it on his computer with a program called Windows Media Maker, Lee dragged it onto YouTube. So far, 264 people have viewed ``Pencils.''
A criminology major, the 18-year-old Lee says he plans to make more films. ``We're night creatures with sometimes nothing to do,'' he says.


``People don't want to be the next Spielberg but they want to express themselves,'' says J.D. Lasica, executive director of Ourmedia, a not-for-profit Web site for videos and other content.

J.D. Lasicaの言うように、別に誰もが「次のスピルバーグ」になりたいと思っているわけではなく、自己表現欲求の満足という側面から言えば、264人というのはけっして小さな数字とはいえない。

Recently, Donahue chose a video by a Stanford University freshman who filmed President Bush's April visit to Stanford, partially shot while sitting in a tree. Since then, the video has received more than 70,000 viewers and 2,100 comments.
``Anyone can be a reporter and share something happening in their life,'' said Craig, 18, who didn't want his last name used for this story.


YouTube has created its own celebrities with a following. Nornna, a young woman somewhere in America, posts almost hourly snippets of her life, such as vacuuming the floor, taking medicine or reading a book.


YouTube owes some of its popularity to copyrighted (er, stolen) cultural moments -- shared globally -- such as the Saturday Night Live skit ``Lazy Sunday,'' a parody of two men rapping about cupcakes and going to the movies. Or the C-SPAN recording of comedian Stephen Colbert's speech at a White House correspondents' dinner, making fun of President Bush and the media.
In both cases, YouTube removed the videos once the company was contacted, but some have criticized the company for allowing highly popular copyrighted material to exist on YouTube. The company says that with 40,000 new videos uploaded daily, it is impossible to stop copyrighted material as it comes onto the site. And besides, entertainment companies are often ``seeding'' YouTube, posting videos to promote a movie or television show, says YouTube's Supan.

既存メディアとYouTubeの関係については、「YouTube vs. The RIAA」というブログ

The various media industries are struggling to figure out how to manage this service, which clearly yields them benefits in terms of increased audience awareness and interest in their content.


The early circulation of a particular Saturday Night Live sketch ("Lazy Sunday") has helped to put YouTube on the map and has helped to increase ratings for the series. There was something funny on Saturday Night Live -- who knew? Many of us saw Stephen Colbert's appearance at the Washington Press Club dinner via YouTube. I suspect it was the only C-Span content a lot of young people had watched in a long time. In both cases, the rights holders -- NBC and C-Span respectively -- had the content removed.
More recently, a friend sent me to the site to see previews for some of the forthcoming Fall television series but by the time I got there, in some cases, the networks had them yanked. It's hard to imagine anything more bone-headed than to shut down grassroots efforts to sell your own products -- whatever else you think about the intellectual property issues in circulating actual program segments.
A few companies -- most notably the MTV Networks (full disclosure -- a sponsor of C3) -- have taken a more enlightened policy towards YouTube -- no doubt because a sizable chunk of young males spend more time these days surfing the web than zapping across cable. Taking advantage of YouTube as a source of viral marketing means letting go some of the control that the networks believe they have over what happens to their content: for some of the broadcasters, this loss of control has been hard to accept (and is complicated in the case of cable networks by expectations of their affiliates that they will be the exclusive source for program content).


