GoogleとOpen Source

もともとは、GoogleのAdam Bosworthのこのエントリーが発端。
Adam Bosworth's Weblog 12/29/04 Where have all the good databases gone
そしてこれに食って掛かったのが、Krzysztof Kowalczyk。
Krzysztof Kowalczyk Weblog Without Honor or Humanity 12/29/04 Google - we take it all, give nothing back.
すぐさまAdam Bosworthが反応。
Adam Bosworth's Weblog 12/30/04 Open Source
それに対してKrzysztof Kowalczykが反応。その後もエントリーが続いている。

The reason I wrote it was Adam’s unfortunate plea to open source developers to write, for free, very specific piece of software that would benefit mostly large companies (as opposed to you and me). Companies that have enough cash and resources to fund such software. That just crossed decency line for me.

My real point was that those companies, instead of shamelessly asking for free lunch, should strategically invest in open source products that are vital to their business but are not their core business. For example, I wouldn’t suggest Google to open source their crawler, because that’s one of their competitive advantages. But if they use Python often and it has flaws, they should pay their people to fix them and release fixes back to public, so that everybody can benefit.

Inside Google 1/2/05 Google vs. Microsoft: Flame War!