1/2 必読記事・論考(IT)

Dan Gillmor on Grassroots Journalism 1/1/05 New Year, New Role
Fortune 12/29/04 Going Blog Wild! By David Kirkpatrick
Nikkei Net 12/27/04 小池良次 いよいよ姿を現すグランドスラム・モデル――過激化する米CATVと電話業界の競争
Forbes 1/10/05 Wi-Fi With a Coat and Tie
Always On 1/3/05 Top 10 Tech Trends: Has the Internet Been Underhyped? This was the question raised by John Doerr when he and fellow tech luminaries including Esther Dyson convened to consult their tech crystal balls for 2005.

McNamee: I think there's more than one thread here: half-duplex automation, which is what you have on Google or eBay (where it will give you information automatically if you give it some kind of interaction), and full-duplex [automation], which is what you have [with] TiVo and in a very small number of cases where you can set up automation ahead of time. To me, that's the thread that hasn't really started yet: I see enormous potential on the systems in place at the other end being able to automatically service stuff for you.

Doerr: Recently, I was talking with Bill Joy [co-founder and chief scientist of Sun Microsystems] about the next web, and he said, 'Look, John, it's very easy. There are six next webs.' One is the near web, and that's the evolution of the PC that's right in front of us. Then, there is the far web: That's the one that's on television, typically in a living room. And then there's the here web: That's the ubiquitous web that follows Roger around independent of device and location. Then there's what he calls the weird web, which does what you say or mean and is kind of like in "Star Trek," weird but definitely going to happen. And then there's the B-to-BC web, which combines business-to-business and commerce around things like XML, and innovation is there. Finally, there's the D-to-D web, which is like smart dust—remote sensors. device to device.