Entries from 2005-01-16 to 1 day


100万人100歳の長生き上手作者: トーマス・T.パールズ,ジョン・F.ローアーマン,マージュリー・ハッターシルバー,Thomas T. Perls,John F. Lauerman,Margery Hutter Silver,日野原重明,大地舜出版社/メーカー: 講談社発売日: 2002/12メディア: 単行本購入: 1…

1/16 必読記事・論考(IT)

Fast Company 1/05 The Great Debate: Quality or Quantity? Technology can help you maintain high-touch relationships with a large number of people. But just how large should that number be? http://www.fastcompany.com/resources/networking/tet…

Shuffle and Blink

NYT 1/16/05 Thinking May Not Be All It's Thought to Be By JOHN SCHWARTZ http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/16/weekinreview/16schw.html Steven P. Jobs introduced one last week: "Life is random." It's attached to the iPod Shuffle, Apple's teeny …

Randall Stross on Apple ("Cool")

NYT 1/16/05 After 20 Years, Finally Capitalizing on Cool By RANDALL STROSS After 20 Years, Finally Capitalizing on Cool - The New York Times But Apple has an absolute monopoly on the asset that is the most difficult for competitors to copy…