オバマ大統領から中学生へのアドバイス(Obama Warns Kids on Stupid Facebook Posts)


When you're young you'll probably do some stupid things, but think twice before posting them online. That's the advice delivered Wednesday by U.S. President Barack Obama to a 9th grade school child who asked for advice on how to get the most powerful job in the world.

"Well, let me give you some very practical tips," Obama said during the photo-op event at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia, near the U.S. capital. "First of all, I want everybody here to be careful about what you post on Facebook, because in the YouTube age, whatever you do, it will be pulled up again later somewhere in your life."

"And when you're young, you make mistakes and you do some stupid stuff. And I've been hearing a lot about young people who -- you know, they're posting stuff on Facebook, and then suddenly they go apply for a job and somebody has done a search and -- so that's some practical political advice for you right there," he said.

Flipnote Studio Review


Flipnote Studio, just released in the US, is the first piece of software for the Nintendo DSi that makes me comfortable in saying that you now should upgrade to the new system. The fact that it's a free download makes it all that much sweeter.

Flipnote Studio is the index card stack for today's generation. This is an extremely simple, yet fully featured animation program that enables anyone with any sense of stylus skills to produce animations of significant quality quickly.

What makes Flipnote Studio even more fantastic is its ability to share the animations. You can collaborate with friends by transferring your file directly to their DSi, or -- after registering for an account – upload directly to the internet via the Flipnote Hatena social network website. Through this site you can view animations in a You Tube-like Flash video clip, which means you can do what I did and embed a video window on your webpage, blog, or Facebook account to show off your cartoons. You can also browse these animations through the Nintendo DSi: the downloads are near instantaneous thanks to the tiny sizes of the files. And if you want to take sound out of the equation, you can easily convert your Flipnote into an animated .GIF on the DSi system.

The fact that Flipnote Studio is free means that Nintendo can now add a bulletpoint to the list of included features of the Nintendo DSi system. After toying with the program for hours and seeing co-workers' reactions and excitement, both in what I produced and how easy it is to use, I'm now comfortable in saying that there's a real reason to own a DSi system. Flipnote Studio is the system seller Nintendo really needs.

「Flipnote Hatena」リリース

" What's Flipnote Hatena? "
「北米版うごメモはてな「Flipnote Hatena」をリリースしました」

本日アメリカなど北米地域で、うごくメモ帳の北米版「Flipnote Studio」が日本と同様無料でダウンロード開始され、これにあわせて「Flipnote Hatena」をリリースしました。

「「うごメモはてな」、世界進出--「Flipnote Hatena」として5カ国語対応」

Flipnote Hatenaは、任天堂製の無料ニンテンドーDSiウェアFlipnote Studio(邦題:うごくメモ帳)」で作成されたパラパラマンガ作品を、閲覧、投稿できるサービス。英語、フランス語、イタリア語、ドイツ語、スペイン語の5カ国語に対応する。




昨年の夏頃から、さまざまな有難い出会いや勝負の帰趨に誘われて、私は将棋と棋士の世界にどっぷりと浸かることになった (拙著「シリコンバレーから将棋を観る」)。ここ数年働き過ぎた反省から、昨年春、モノを書くことについてのサバティカル(長期休暇)に入ったはずなのに、私は、対象となるテーマを、現代将棋、羽生善治、トッププロの在りよう、棋士の人間的魅力、といったことどもに変え、まったく同じことに没入してしまったようなのだ。どうにもこれが自分の性分であり、抗いようのない傾向なのだと、自分でも思う。そして、新潟での棋聖戦第一局から約一ヶ月の間を置いただけで、第五局・最終局が行われる道後温泉にやってきた。最終局の開始は、あと5時間後に迫っている(いまは一人で午前4時の控え室にいる)。
