

[My Team Payroll Analysis: the salaries of the current projected 25-man opening day roster (previous edition on November 4th):
SP: Schmidt $6.25M, Rueter $5M, Tomko $2.65, Williams $0.4, Lowry $0.33
RP: Benitez $2.5M, Herges $1.5M, Eyre $1.425M, Brower $1.125M, Christiansen $1M, Franklin $0.38M, Walker $0.35M
C: Matheny $1M, Torrealba $0.7M
IF: Alfonzo $6.5M, Durham $6.5M, Vizquel $2.5M, Feliz $2.25M, Snow $2M, Cruz $0.8M
OF: Bonds $20M, Alou $7.25M, Grissom $2.5M, Tucker $2M, Ellison $0.31M
The salaries of this roster sum to $77.25M (with $5M of Bonds’ salary and $2.5M of Alou’s salary deferred). In addition, the Giants are paying almost $9.25M in signing bonuses this year (Schmidt $2.5M, Rueter $2M, Benitez $1.6M, Matheny $0.5M, Alfonzo $1M, Durham $1M, Feliz $0.2M). Alternatively, if you use pro-rated signing bonuses, the Giants total about $11.55M (Schmidt $1.94M, Rueter $1.5M, Benitez $2.47M, Matheny $1M, Alfonzo $1M, Durham $0.975M, Vizquel $0.58M, Feliz $0.1M, Bonds $2). The common definition of payroll is “salaries plus pro-rated signing bonuses,” making the Giants’ payroll almost $89M.]

「Benitez, Herges, Eyre, Brower, Christiansen, Franklin, Walker」ではちょっと弱いな。ブルペンにもう一人どうしても欲しいが、総額が$89Mになっているとさらなる補強は無理かも。Spring Trainingに入って他チームからリリースされた投手と安くマイナー契約するか、シーズンに入る直前でのトレードか、あるいは若手Aardsmaを抜擢するか。