
WSJ 12/20/04 The Second Coming of Apple
Apple Computer has been reborn -- and now it's on the verge of a renaissance.

IFTF's Future Now 12/20/04 Flickr and "folksonomies"

Salon 12/20/04 The Friendster of photo sites

Newsweek 12/27/04 Google's Two Revolutions By Steven Levy
Google's IPO is important not because of the billions of bucks involved, but as a symbol of the impact of the two revolutions its founders fomented.

Google's goal is to have everything at your fingertips, all the world's information digitized and instantly available to all who have a right to see it. It's a task hardily joined by heavyweights Microsoft and Yahoo, along with an ever-expanding list of smaller players. So we can expect Google's growing family of currently or potentially searchable applications—which include news, images, social networking, academic citations, catalogs, personal photos and maps—to be duplicated by others, if not leapfrogged. (Just last week Yahoo introduced its beta version of video search, allowing instant access to the millions of clips stored on the Web.)