
10日前に英訳版「Yoshiharu Habu and Modern Shogi (written by Mochio Umeda)」が公開されました。
それについて英語で、「Emerging Open Source Translation Projects in Japan」、「Open-souce style translation project "Shogi" book」、「Shogi Project update..」といった紹介がなされました。

The translated text is quite clear; there was no sense of “what does this mean?” or, “am I getting the right meaning?” So that is very good. In some places, there are Japanese characters still retained in the translation, which gives rise to some ambiguity, but overall the number of such instances is small. There are a few grammatical errors, but I think that is inevitable. Even when there is such an error, the meaning of the text is still clear, which is very good.

So - I would say the quality of English is very good for practical purposes, but not great. Another way to look at it is: a web reader would find the text perfectly fine (i.e., willing to put up with minor inconvenience), but someone who has paid for a translated copy of the book might not. Given that this is an ‘open-source’ effort, I think it is VERY good.

日本語がまだ残っているし、文法ミスも少しはあるが、しっかりと意味が取れるし、プラクティカルな目的なら「the quality of English is very good」だとのこと。また、ウェブで読む人間にとっては「perfectly fine」だが、金を出して買う翻訳テキストなら質に問題がある。でもオープンソース・プロジェクトだということを考えれば「VERY good」だとのことでした。むろん一人のアメリカ人の意見であって、総合的評価とは言えませんが、嬉しいメールでした。
詳しくは「進捗報告 英語圏以外全世界へのアプローチ」、「途中経過報告 スペイン語訳、ポーランド語訳プロジェクト発足か」を読んでいただきたいのですが、全世界の大使館や将棋ファン、将棋関係者にこのプロジェクトを知らしめるメールを送り、スウェーデン、オランダ、フィンランド、コロンビアの4ヶ国から既に反応があり、さらにフォーラムやメーリングリストで、プロジェクトの輪が広がっている様子がわかります。


I've been following the translation project with interest, but today was the first that I've actually taken a look at the English-lang version.

First reaction: Wow. This is actually a readable piece of work!

By readable I mean both (1) not perfect, but perfectly tolerable and (2) probably more enjoyable if I was only genuinely interested in the subject. I think readers who are interested in the topic would be willing to overcome some lumpy / awkward translations anyway, but I -- as someone who doesn't find the subject as interesting (sorry!) -- too find it quite acceptable.

Congratulations. This is a super-exciting example of how an open-sourced volunteer translation can do, on the cheap and with speed!

「First reaction: Wow. This is actually a readable piece of work!」っていうのは、「おっ、ちゃんと読めるじゃねーか」って感じなのかな。