Kevin Kellyが刺激的かつ長文の論考をNew York Times Magazineに寄せた。
「Scan This Book!」
冒頭でBrewster Kahleのこんな言葉が引用されている。
Brewster Kahle, an archivist overseeing another scanning project, says that the universal library is now within reach. "This is our chance to one-up the Greeks!" he shouts. "It is really possible with the technology of today, not tomorrow. We can provide all the works of humankind to all the people of the world. It will be an achievement remembered for all time, like putting a man on the moon." And unlike the libraries of old, which were restricted to the elite, this library would be truly democratic, offering every book to every person.
The dream is an old one: to have in one place all knowledge, past and present. All books, all documents, all conceptual works, in all languages.
From the days of Sumerian clay tablets till now, humans have "published" at least 32 million books, 750 million articles and essays, 25 million songs, 500 million images, 500,000 movies, 3 million videos, TV shows and short films and 100 billion public Web pages. All this material is currently contained in all the libraries and archives of the world. When fully digitized, the whole lot could be compressed (at current technological rates) onto 50 petabyte hard disks.
ディスク容量は「チープ革命」の恩恵で、限りなくコストがゼロに近づいていく。Kevin Kellyはそういう情報全部をiPodの入れて持ち運べる時代が来るとまで言っているが、そこまで言わずとも、今の検索エンジンの対象に「過去から現在までのすべての書物」が入り、検索に付随する機能が今のペース以上のスピードで進化していくことは間違いないから、十年後、十五年後にはかなり面白いことが起きるだろう。
「Rethinking The Book」
この論考の本題からはそれるが、中国やインドで厖大な量の本が、今も時々刻々とスキャンされて「あちら側」にどんどん取り込まれているわけだが、つい最近のBusiness Weekでも、
Barbara Kempf used to work on an assembly line for words. Her job: take a company name (say, Joe's Diner), think up several words that describe it (restaurant, dinner, burgers), come up with other words about its location (Cincinnati, downtown, Main Street), then create more than 200 combinations of those words and write six- to eight-word sentences associated with each combination. The finished product? Paid search ads, or those "sponsored links" that show up when you search for things like "burgers in Cincinnati" on Google (GOOG ), Yahoo! (YHOO ), or Ask.com (IACI ).
Over eight-hour shifts, the 51-year-old Kempf "assembled" thousands of these ads every day for $15 an hour for Marchex Inc. (MCHX ), a Seattle-based company that runs online advertising campaigns for local businesses all over the U.S.
という文章で始まる記事「Life On The Web's Factory Floor 」